Sunday 2 January 2011

iPhone design fault

So I set my iPhone alarm for 8.50am on New Years Day as I had work (Gap) at 10am. To my dismay my iPhone decided that it didn't like 2011 and accordingly didn't make the alarm go off. Thus I woke up at 10am in a panic and was therefore an hour and a half late for work! When I got home from work, I was so furious with my iPhone that I decided to google why it hadn't gone off. To my surprise I wasn't the only one in the world who had this problem on New Years Day! I found a post on a website saying that the iPhone alarms may not work in 2011 and they were right! Fortunately they found a way to get the alarm working again but christ I thought Apple were supposed to be design and technology geniuses, not unreliable teenagers who have silly hiccups like this. It won't happen again I'm sure....Yes Apple that's you I'm talking to.

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