Saturday 29 January 2011

Advertising at its best..

A great piece of advertising from Lays (known as Walkers in the UK and Ireland and are known for crisps) have exceeded all expectations in this wonderful piece of advertising. With the billboard on the side of the subway reading "Our potatoes are grown closer than you think.." promotes the fact that they don't ship potatoes over from other countries or if they do then close by countries so as to promote that they don't hurt the environment by using transport the potatoes a long way. It also gives off the image that Lays is a trusted brand and if its not then it should be because they are doing good for the world. I would love to see this or something similar on the London Underground someday.

Monday 24 January 2011

I blame revision..

I'm so sorry blogspotters for abandoning you for the past week or so! I've had exams and needed to revise in order to actually pass my degree!
Anyhow, here's a thing or two that might interest you as it did me...

Wallace and Gromit representing Harvey Nichols campaign.
Wallace whom usually wears a green woollen tank top and brown trousers is now sporting a Paul Smith suit, along with D&G shirts! Gromit has also had a makeover from heaven with a Duchamp scarf and ray-bans!
I love this form of advertising as its a way of incorporating something very well known with something less well known in a comical and fashionable way!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Amusing car advertisement

What all car drivers worry about is parking...No one is perfect at parking so a Volkswagen Golf coming with Park Distance Control is a very desirable accessory. This advertisement made me laugh because everyone wishes they had eyes in the back of their heads when parking or a steering wheel in the back of the's composed so well that it could almost be real! Pat on the back for Volkswagen designers!

Monday 10 January 2011

Amazing advertising campaign

This advertising campaign in particular took my eye when scanning the web for inspiration today. The use of bright colours is a fantastic way to put the 'never hide' message across easily to its viewers. The image of the guy itself would be enough but oh no Ray-Ban wanted this advertising campaign to be more than that. They had to add a hint of humour into the campaign with the Crayola crayons drill being the culprit for the colourfulness of the image. Humorous & yet serious is what I like!

Friday 7 January 2011

Google instant

Very clever form of advertising from 2010. Google instant is in itself a piece of innovative genius but this advert just tops it off to show off its purpose! I love it! I wish they'd show more innovative adverts like this on TV. | Search as fast as Bob Dylan sings with Google Instant.

I forgot...! 1970's vintage way of advertising

I'm sorry followers but I forgot to do posts the past couple of days! I've been at work and that is my excuse so do pardon me! This is a vintage advertising poster showing Herman Miller Summer Picnic, 1971. Herman Miller is known for his innovative furniture designs and we can see this from this poster which instead of representing furniture features a watermelon.
Not only was this a popular advertising campaign back in 1970 but I think this would fit in very well with the 21st century advertising campaigns. I love the simplicity and yet boldness of this poster, with the type being so small however the reader could become confused with what the advertisement is portraying.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Self-promotion project

Self-promoting myself is actually turning out to be pretty fun! It's made me think about who I am as a person and a designer which is a big step in life I suppose. A realisation which will stick with me throughout life and traits which I will try to build on and create new ones so my identity grows and becomes stronger. I just hope everyone else doing this self-promotion project feels the's actually benefiting us guys, keep at it!